Glenn is a call center agent. He is
newly married and a happy go lucky kind of guy. He has a select group of
friends that surrounds him in his work environment. His group of friends have
the same happy go lucky kind of mentality. Therefore, they have harmony, as
they say: “Birds of the same feathers flock together.”
Whenever they get their salary they
always go to their favorite watering hole to get drunk, have fun and spend as
if there’s no tomorrow. So, they always end up without money hence they are
forced to borrow from loan sharks.

These negative behavioral issues did
not escape the watchful eyes of his superiors. Thus he was given a memo to
shape up otherwise he would be meted a suspension. Fearing that he might be
suspended and eventually separated from his job.
Glenn decided to distance himself from
his happy go lucky group, therefore there was no more visits to his favorite
watering hole. There was no more irresponsible spending of his salary. This
change of mindset soon bore fruit: There was suddenly harmony in his family and
his place of work.
The people that you choose to surround
yourself in your workplace have influence over you. If you choose to be with
carefree and happy go lucky guys, you end up the same sooner or later. And what
would be the result of this immature behavior? There would be friction in your
pocket, friction in your family and friction in your workplace. – Marino J.