Two of the most familiar names right now are those of Ukranian President
Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Their countries are
neighbors in Europe but both are engaged in a destructive war that nobody wants
except Russia. Volodymyr Zelenskyy became the 6th President of Ukraine on
May 2019, he exercises his presidential power using the democratic style of
leadership. He allows free exchange of ideas, there is check and balance in
government and everyone has the right to criticize him.
When a leader uses democratic style of leadership he encourages growth
in his organization. For the simple reason that there is free flowing traffic
of ideas which benefit the leader and the organization that he/she leads.
Leaders of first world countries such as the USA, Canada, Germany, Australia,
Japan, France and a lot more are using the democratic style of leadership no
wonder why they are rich, powerful and progressive.
Leaders who employ the democratic style of leadership are leaders who
are confident in their practice of leadership. They know how to exercise their
function of leadership without using the factor of fear to push their
organizational objectives and agendas. And they exercise their leadership with transparency
and openness. They also are sensitive to the voice of the people because they
recognize that their temporal power to govern emanates from the people.

On the other hand, Vladimir Putin is an autocratic leader. He became the
most powerful man in Russia during December 1999 until this very day. In total
he has been ruling Russia with an Iron fist for almost 23 years and counting. Putin
is a dictator and when a nation is ruled by a dictator that nation becomes
poor. Why? Because there is no check and balance in his/her governance. Hence,
the government that he/she leads becomes a fertile ground for corruption and
other abuses by those who are in power. The dictator’s word and rule are
absolute no one can contradict him except himself.
In this unprovoked war which was instigated by Russia we see how weak
the leadership of President Putin. Despite of him being a dictator and despite
of the gargantuan advantage of the Russian armed forces over the Ukrainian
armed forces. It’s a fact that after
almost seven weeks now the Russian military might has not conquered Ukraine.
This is attributed to poor planning and logistical shortcomings.
Why did it happen that Russia was not able to plan and execute properly?
Because there was lacking of inputs from the lower level Russian military
planners. President Putin listened only to himself and to his select generals/advisers
who thought that Ukraine will simply cower in fear once they invade.
Dictators are actually weak leaders. Since they have to resort to their
dictatorial/authoritarian powers to command respect and obedience from the
people that they rule. They never consult the broad spectrum of their people
when making important plans and decisions. Unlike democratic leaders who encourage
people participation in their exercise of governance.
Strong, effective and respectable leaders can easily command respect and
obedience. Because they lead by example, they are loved by their people and
they know how to respect the rights of their people. And this typifies the
democratic style of leadership of Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenzkyy. – Marino J. Dasmarinas