Mar 16, 2022

The Importance of Consistency in Leadership

Mr. X is a newly designated manager in a government office, upon his assumption of his new leadership role. He spelled out what he wants to achieve in his new office, he stated the targets and he emphasized the discipline that he wants to be strictly observed by his subordinates. He was successful with his function of leadership during his first few months.  

After a year he noticed that there was an obvious decline in the achievements of his subordinates and the discipline of his people has already waned also.      

He pondered on the decline of his subordinates achievement and behavior. But he did not find anything that would say that he was the cause of the decline of his people’s achievement and behavior. Until he consulted a university professor who was an expert in organizational behavior. After a week of analysis and study the professor zeroed in on how the manager exercised his leadership and managerial function. Thus, the manager was asked by the professor: Are you still consistent on how you exercise these functions?  

This question made the leader think on how he exercised his functions as a manager and leader of his office. After honestly evaluating himself he found out that he was not as disciplined as before. He found out that he was not anymore people oriented like before.  

So the professor told him that his problem was his lack of consistency with his leadership functions. He was further told by the professor that he needs for bring back the same drive and fervor that he initially had when he first assumed his position of leadership.  

The manager followed the advice and after a short period of time the office was back on its feet again. The targets were again met and the discipline and motivation of his subordinates were at its best again. 

Every now and then the problem of leadership consistency is a dilemma that every leader/manager encounters. The passing of time and temporary success makes a leader complacent and this is not a good sign for a leader. A good leader is someone who is consistent in his exercise of leadership all the time. 

This Consistency in leadership is right now being exemplified by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Because he has not waivered in his leadership function from day one when Ukraine was suddenly invaded by the vastly superior Russian Armed Forces on February 24. But despite of Russia’s superiority it has not taken over a single Ukrainian city.  

This we can attribute to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Consistent Leadership. He is always a personification of strength, visible on the ground and on social media as if it is still the first day of war. - Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Mar 3, 2022

Volodymyr Zelenskyy/Volodymyr Zelensky: A Heroic, Inspiring, and Shining Leadership Masterclass #mjdasma

The man of the hour right now is
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy his name, videos and quotes are trending in the world of social media. Why? Because he dared to face head-on Russian president Vlaldimir Putin’s immoral, unprovoked and inhuman war against his sovereign nation.     

It all began on February 24 Thursday, when Putin’s tanks, missiles and other hardware of war and destruction rumbled through targeted cities of Ukraine most specifically the city of Kyiv where the seat of power is located. Because of Pres. Putin’s very superior military might and nuclear armaments the world thought that it would simply be a cakewalk for Putin but it is not, in fact it’s shaping to be a quagmire for Putin and his Russian military cohorts.   

Hours before Ukraine was invaded by the Russian Armed Forces President Zelenskyy in a video address warned President Putin by saying: "When you attack us, you will see our faces not our backs."

On February 25, the morning after Russian missiles rained and tanks went rumbling inside Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted a video and defiantly vowed to stay and fight on and He said: “I am here. We are not putting down arms. We will be defending our country, because our weapon is truth, and our truth is that this is our land, our country, our children, and we will defend all of this.” These courageous words from Zelenskyy galvanized and inspired his people to hold the line no matter the odds against them.  

What lesson/s of leadership can we derived from this video of Zelenskyy and his succeeding other pronouncements?  

Lesson number one: Great leaders such as Zelenskyy always leads the way and shows the way. This simply means that these great leaders are in the thick of things, they are in the trenches they give orders and fight in the battlefield and not within the confines of their luxurious and secured offices. When the USA offered him a safe way out of his besieged nation he stood his ground and courageously said:  "The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride."      

Lesson number two: Great leaders are effective communicators they use social media to their advantage, they carefully craft their messages. And immediately communicate to their people and subordinates what needs to be communicated. Time is of the essence here because a delay of what the leader needs to communicate can cost him dearly in terms of his reputation, character and leadership position. Zelenskyy is a master communicator since he is a former actor and a comedian at that. He flawlessly communicated his inspiring messages of defiance and solidarity with his soldiers, his people and with the world.   

Lesson number three: Great leaders like Pres. Zelenskyy project strong image and calmness at all times. Why? So that he can inspire, mold and motivate his people to fight the invaders/oppressors no matter how strong they are in this case President Putin and his Russian armed forces. Notice that in that video Zelenskyy face was an epitome of bravery, calmness and defiance and he chose a historical and strongly-built building as his backdrop. 

Lesson number four: Great leaders are not afraid to ask for help they show their vulnerability. During the second day of the attack when the chips were down on the Ukrainian side. Zelenskyy was not afraid to say this: “Who is ready to fight alongside us? I don’t see anyone. Who is ready to give Ukraine a guarantee of NATO membership? Everyone is afraid.”   “We’re defending our country alone. The most powerful forces in the world are watching this from a distance.” Hours after saying his lament of vulnerability pledges of help in terms of weaponry, other armaments of war and humanitarian assistance began to pour in.  

Lesson number five: Great leaders have a positive mindset, are effective motivators and they have a vision. As the violent forces of war were being unleashed by Russia against Ukraine.  Zelenskyy addressed his people and his nation’s security forces to inspire them: He told them, “Our military, our national guard, our national police, our territory defense, special service, nationals of Ukraine, please carry on. We will win. Why did he say this despite the odds against them? Because he wanted to fuel the morale, fighting spirit and motivation of his people.  And President Zelenskyy is valiantly succeeding for the reason that he, his nation and his people are keeping the violent Russian forces of war at bay. 

Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Courageous and Inspiring leadership masterclass is a true to life continuing saga that unfolds before our very eyes and ears.  It exhibits his extra-ordinary leadership skills which we can learn a lot from as we manage and lead our own respective organizations. Are you learning gems of insights from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Courageous and Inspiring leadership masterclass? 

Let us continue to pray for peace in Ukraine, let us pray for Vladimir Putin’s enlightenment that he will stop this unprovoked war that he created and let us pray for the suffering PEOPLE/NATION of Ukraine– Marino J. Dasmarinas