Dec 24, 2017

Stopping sexual harassment in the workplace

Alicia is a twenty-eight years old supervisor in a five-star hotel, she was aspiring to become the section manager of the steward department. So she submitted her application together with the pertinent papers required by the higher position.

After a few days her attention was called for an interview by the manager of the hotel. So, she reported to the office of the manager for an interview. During the interview the potbellied and burly hotel manager asked her to stand and come near him. Then he immediately grabbed her behind and salaciously said to her: “You have a nice behind, I want you in bed with me tonight!”

Alicia fiercely answered back, slapped the manager and she said to him: “You bastard you have no right to do it!” I will report you to the president of this hotel and I will also report you to the police for violating me!” The manager begged the woman not to do it but she had already decided to report his acts of sexual harassment.

Sexual harassers could be a man or a woman and it’s not solely about a person’s desire to have sex with his/her prey. Primarily sexual harassment emanates from a person’s desire to dominate a certain individual. Who is applying for a higher position or who is asking for a favor from a person with a higher organizational authority.

Therefore, sexual harassment is actually about individuals who are power trippers! They use their power as a leverage to take advantage of their prospective prey or victim.  It’s actually very hard to be in conflict with them for the simple reason that they are very powerful!

However, if you want to stop these sex maniacs you have no other choice but to have the courage to expose them! Nevermind if you might be ostracized or even if others will not believe you for doing so.

Why is it that you might be ostracized or others will not believe in you? For the simple reason that these sex maniacs are very powerful and they have their own network of very powerful people to even destroy your credibility.

Nevertheless, you have to have the courage to vigorously expose them no matter how powerful they are! For this is the only way that you can stop sexual harassment in the workplace. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Dec 21, 2017

Evidence matters in resolving organizational conflict

Natalie is a middle level manager in a cosmetics organization. She went to their human resource management manager to complain about her fellow middle level manager who is very arrogant. According to her, to think that he is only a middle level manager he pushes his weight around as if he owns the organization that he works for.

Upon talking with the Human Resource Manager, Natalie was asked: Do you have a witness or an evidence to support your complaint? She said, no I don’t have any. She was therefore told to have evidence or even a witness and come back.

The next morning expecting to once again witness his boorish behavior she prepared her smart phone positioned it in a strategic place and turned on the video. After a few minutes her fellow middle level manager’s arrogance was on full display again. And it was captured unadulterated by her strategically placed smart phone.

Therefore, the next day she went back again to the Human Resource Manager presented her video of her fellow middle manager’s full display of arrogance. Consequently, his attention was called and he was asked to explain his unwarranted behavior.  He admitted his mistake and he apologized to those whom he had offended and he promised not to do it again. Accordingly, he was given a disciplinary action and was suspended for one week. 
Evidence matters when it comes to resolving organizational issues and conflicts. For the simple reason that when you have an evidence your complaint is already assured of speedy resolution. It also put an iron clad protection to your complaint.

The evidence will likewise immediately put the person being complained in a defensive and weaker position. Which will lead him/her to apologize and accept without question the disciplinary action that is due to him/her. – Marino J. Dasmarinas    

Dec 11, 2017

The leader/manager and the Management function of planning

John is a newly appointed department head in a call center company. Upon assuming his position his first activity for the day was to define the goals and plans of his department. He projected in advance the demands of their clients and through his planning he saw to it that his department would be able to meet their client’s future demand.  

What is the importance of planning in a manager’s/leader’s life in the organization? An effective manager/leader uses planning to implement his plans in advance. This plan is not simply based on their whims and caprices it is rather based on sound method, analysis and projection. When a manager/leader uses the management function of planning it should always be realistic and pragmatic.

 Why is it important for a leader/manager to have a plan? It is important for the simple reason that planning helps the manager/leader create a realistic framework of action. Yet this framework of action doesn’t automatically ensure 100% success. However even if it doesn’t guaranty 100% success it’s always better to utilize the function of planning than not to utilize it for how would you move ahead without planning?

Planning also provides a point of reference where actual performance can always be compared vis-a-vis with the planned target. And if the actual performance doesn’t meet the planned target managers/leaders should make the proper adjustment to meet the realistic planned target.   

Planning also determines a future course of action based on the prevailing environment. That’s why it’s very important not to cast in stone our plans. Otherwise we cannot anymore fine-tune our plans when the business environment is against us. Planning should always be a continuing managerial and leadership function. This is for the reason that the moment the manager/leader stops planning his/her life the organization would also come to an end.

Through the management function of planning the hazy and cloudy future is made clearer, brighter and the future that is unknown is somehow made known. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Nov 22, 2017

Dictatorial leaders/managers are not good leaders/managers

Have you worked for a dictatorial leader/manager?

He is the type who would use fear and deceit as his main weapons to make his subordinates follow him. For example, during meetings he would outline the targets that he wants to achieve or the discipline that he wants for his organization. Then he would follow it up with a caveat that those who would not be able to meet their target or follow his discipline would be severely sanctioned.

These kind of bombastic statement would immediately achieve its intended purpose and that is to create fear. But after a few days this feeling of fear would immediately be replaced by a feeling of subtle defiance and resentment towards the leader/manager.

Run of the mill leaders/managers always use this kind strategy to achieve their goals only to be confronted at the end that it does not work. Why is it that it doesn’t work? This is for the reason that when we use fear as our means to achieve our goal/s. It is always subject to abuse and corruption that immediately leads to inefficiency and disruption of the efficient function of the organization. 

However, these type of leader/manager are slowly but surely exposed by their own arrogance and abuse of power. Which sooner or later are seen and observed by subordinates. And these subordinates will not be silenced forever there will come a time that they will voice out their opposition. Which would eventually lead to the removal of their dictatorial leader/manager. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Nov 7, 2017

How to become an effective leader/manager

An Army lieutenant was leading his platoon of soldiers in an operation when they were suddenly ambushed by the enemy. Everyone took cover and firing at the enemy at the same time. They suddenly saw a wounded comrade who was about ten meters away from them shouting for help.

The lieutenant suddenly shouted at his soldiers and said: “Cover fire me and throw smoke grenades because I will go and rescue our comrade.” So they did and the lieutenant stealthy maneuvered his way to the wounded soldier.  Upon reaching his soldier the lieutenant assisted his wounded comrade and they both successfully extricated themselves from the claws of danger.

By the courageous leadership by example of the army lieutenant and with the support of his soldiers. He successfully executed the very dangerous rescue. This army lieutenant is an epitome of a true leader because he shows and leads the way.

In essence organizational leaders are no different from military leaders. What only separates military leaders from organizational leaders are the rigid training and the firearms at their disposal.  Therefore, to become a successful organizational leader/manager one has to show and lead the way and he must know his job very well.

An organizational leader/manager should not only give orders and then do nothing she should be at the forefront so to speak. For example, if the volume of work is enormous that it would need overtime work.  The leader/manager should also render overtime work and lead his subordinates in accomplishing what is to be accomplished.

If the leader/manager always shows and leads the way, he would also quickly earn the respect and admiration of his subordinates. The same subordinates would always be at his beck and call whenever he needs them. Why is this so? For the simple reason that the leader/manager has already earned the respect of his subordinates. 

What if the leader/manager will not lead and show the way? He simply sits down while giving orders and doesn’t take his leadership/managerial position with responsibility. His subordinates will surely not respect him and they will be like headless chickens running around without discipline and purpose. – Marino J. Dasmarinas    

Oct 30, 2017

Who surrounds you in your organization?

Glenn is a call center agent. He is newly married and a happy go lucky kind of guy. He has a select group of friends that surrounds him in his work environment. His group of friends have the same happy go lucky kind of mentality. Therefore, they have harmony, as they say: “Birds of the same feathers flock together.”

Whenever they get their salary they always go to their favorite watering hole to get drunk, have fun and spend as if there’s no tomorrow. So, they always end up without money hence they are forced to borrow from loan sharks.

But running out money was not only the problem there was also friction in his family brought about by his frequent drinking spree. His problem morphed into a behavioral issue in his workplace. He was often times hot tempered and he lacked focus and discipline.

These negative behavioral issues did not escape the watchful eyes of his superiors. Thus he was given a memo to shape up otherwise he would be meted a suspension. Fearing that he might be suspended and eventually separated from his job.

Glenn decided to distance himself from his happy go lucky group, therefore there was no more visits to his favorite watering hole. There was no more irresponsible spending of his salary. This change of mindset soon bore fruit: There was suddenly harmony in his family and his place of work.

The people that you choose to surround yourself in your workplace have influence over you. If you choose to be with carefree and happy go lucky guys, you end up the same sooner or later. And what would be the result of this immature behavior? There would be friction in your pocket, friction in your family and friction in your workplace. – Marino J. Dasmarinas  

Sep 26, 2017

When rejection comes your way

Rudy was a newly hired human resource specialist in an information technology company. He was idealistic and had fresh insights that he wants instituted to his new organization. Therefore, he suggested to his manager on how they would specifically identify those who would be considered for future trainings and seminars. However, his suggestion was rejected.

Rejection is part and parcel of your organizational life. There would be instances that you would make suggestion which to your mind is helpful for your department/organization. But more often than not your suggestion/s will be rejected by your boss.

Would you take that rejection personally? Of course not! You take rejection in your organization in stride. Don’t take it personally otherwise you end up as a loser, take rejection as a challenge to make your work better and to work harder.

Perhaps when your idea is rejected you could silently say to yourself: “You rejected my input, so I move on without any ill feeling against anyone." This is the correct attitude to make when your input is rejected. You can also make a positive spin toward it by using it as your motivation to work harder.

Rejection of your idea or input should not stop you from giving your insightful input/s when there’s an opportunity to do so. Why? This is for the reason that every input that you recommend is a testament of your knowledge or insight.  

However, if you notice that after a year of giving insightful inputs your boss or your organization has not considered any of it. Perhaps, it’s time to look for greener pastures in other organizations who will make full use of your talents. – Marino J. Dasmarinas   

Sep 15, 2017

Prove your critics wrong

Santiago was promoted to become the head of their organization’s human resource department he was the youngest amongst the aspirants. After his promotion a poison letter was circulated besmirching his person and credibility. He took the attack on his person in stride and treated it simply as part of the hazards of his new job.

Critics and criticism are part and parcel of organization, they exist for only one reason and that is to bring you down or even destroy you. However, would you allow your critics to bring you down? Of course not! So what are you going to do? You don’t have to confront them. You simply have to prove them wrong and you have to use them as motivation to work even harder.

Many Leaders of managers commit the mistake of stooping to the level of their critics. Therefore, they confront their critics and this confrontation sometimes lead to verbal tussle or even physical wrangle. But it should not go to that extent because the moment you confront them you only are feeding their arrogance and their thirst for violence.

It’s useless to confront your critics instead, prove them wrong by working hard: let your positive work attitude do the talking. Thus, you take the high and educated road, the road where you will earn respect and esteem from your superiors, peers and subordinates. 

The road which will lead you to another promotion when the right opportunity comes. – Marino J. Dasmarinas          

Aug 17, 2017

Promote the hard worker not the most qualified

Marilou is a supervisor in a government office who aspires for the next higher level position. She’s a hard worker and has meet the minimum qualification for the job opening.  Joanna on the other hand is also aspiring for the same promotion and basing on her sterling credentials it should be her who should be promoted.

What is your standard when you recommend a subordinate for promotion? Do you usually go for the most qualified? Or you go for the hard worker who meets the minimum qualification? To go for the hard worker is always the wisdom filled choice.

Not only that this employee will continue to work hard when promoted. You can also groom him/her to handle bigger responsibilities as the need arises. A hard worker is also a self-starter, he/she is always willing to learn, has initiative and can even sacrifice his/her personal time for work. He/she may do this by bringing his/her work home so that he/she could finish her task.

On the other side of the fence is the worker with sterling credentials. Why would you not choose him/her? He will not be chosen for the simple reason that credentials can’t work!  They are simply training certificates and educational transcripts which are useless when the worker who holds it is lazy and corrupt.  – Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Aug 3, 2017

Can power destroy a leader/manager?

Can power/authority destroy a leader/manager? Yes! If not handled properly and with humility it could very well destroy a leader/manager.

There is a saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. A leader/ manager is one of the most powerful person in an organization. He has an inherent authority to exercise power in that organization. However, this power is not absolute it’s subject to limitations.

But there are leaders/managers who allow themselves to be controlled by their power/authority and not themselves ruling over their power/authority. When this happens it beckons disaster for the organization.

When a leader allows his power to get into his head he would do many foolish things. For example, he may act as a dictator by giving unreasonable orders. By saying words and doing things that are inconceivable for a normal leader to say and do. Nonetheless, we also know that those who arrogantly abuse their organizational power are humiliated at the end.  

So what is the lesson for us here? Simple, we should not abuse the organizational power that we hold. Otherwise we will have to pay for it one of these days. As they say, what goes around comes around. – Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Jul 12, 2017

Let the axe fall where it may fall

What would you do if your friend who happens to be your subordinate is caught by your security guard doing something illegal in your office? For example stealing of office supplies, should you exert effort to protect your friend by whitewashing the offense?   

Or you will not exert any effort to conceal the offense and let the investigation take its natural course until the truth is ferret out? Many organizational leaders and managers will do the right action by letting the natural course of events unfold.

Yet many would also try to protect the friendship or brotherhood by concealing the offense until it’s forgotten. So the offender will escape from any punishment however this is not the right course of action to take. For the reason that the moment the manager/leader does this he is actually telling his friend to do it again and again and again and he/she becomes party to the offense as well.

Yet we all know that crime does not pay sooner or later it will be payback time so the offender will be caught. And the manager/leader/friend will be unmasked as the protector. Why? For the simple reason that this is the natural flow of karma.

Therefore, to avoid any future complication and problem never protect an offender in your workplace. Let the natural flow of justice takes its course even if the subordinate offender is your best friend, fraternity brother or sister and the like.

In other words: Let the axe fall where it may fall for it will enhance your value as an effective, competent and impartial leader/manager.  -  Marino J. Dasmarinas       

Jul 4, 2017

How to solve infighting in your organization

Billy is the Chief Executive Officer in an organization that has a population of two hundred workers. Every now and then behavioral issues would crop up amongst his department managers, supervisors and workers. Foremost of these behavioral issues are infighting which eventually results to disharmony, friction and divisiveness.

How should the CEO solve this infighting in his organization? He must solve it without partiality to anyone or without fear or favor. For this is the best way to extinguish organizational conflict. If he would favor a certain group or personality for the reason that he is close to them, he would certainly not be able to solve it.

When a manager/leader smells infighting in his organization he must take action to solve it at the soonest possible time. For the simple reason that every second of inaction would disrupt the smooth operation of his organization.  For example if he was told that there’s a blossoming conflict amongst his supervisors he must therefore immediately look into the veracity of this information.

If he finds out that this information is true, he must immediately intervene so as to disrupt and immediately heal the conflict. He can best do this by privately calling the attention of the parties involve. Why privately and not publicly? For the simple reason that organizational conflicts such as infighting can immediately be solved privately and not publicly.

In the privacy of your office you meet and talk to the parties involve without any partiality. And if possible arrive at a solution of the infighting during the same meeting. This is for the reason that organizational problems and issues should be solved at the soonest possible time. Otherwise it would hurt your organization and your leadership. 

In talking with the parties involve blame game should be out of the picture immediately. Resolution to the infighting should be arrived at based on the issues and not on the involved personalities.

Lest I forget, the tenor of the meeting/talk should always be diplomatic never strong or hateful. As the Bible says: “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (Proverbs 15:1).” – Marino J. Dasmarinas     

Jun 23, 2017

Should you immediately accept a leadership position being dangled before you?

Nereo is a manager who has an insatiable desire to always be visible in their organization. One morning during a meeting of all department managers the Chief Executive Officer of his organization floated this question: “Anybody of you who wants to lead a task force in this organization”?    

Without careful thinking Nereo immediately raised his hand and said, “I want to lead that task force!” Therefore Nereo was told by his CEO to visit his office so that he could be properly briefed about his duties and responsibilities.

After meeting his CEO Nereo was already feeling drained for the simple reason that he was overwhelmed by the enormity of his responsibilities. The next day he went again to his CEO to tell him that he was giving up his newly acquired leadership position because he cannot measure up to its responsibilities.

A cerebral and humble leader/manager should not immediately present himself when there is a leadership opportunity inside his organization. Even if he is being egg on to immediately accept it he should politely refuse to do so.

He should instead ask for a day or two for him to carefully think it over. In doing so he will have enough time to weigh first the pros and cons and the many hidden responsibilities attach to that leadership opportunity.     

Otherwise if he would immediately accept it because he simply wants to fill his bloated ego. it’s like he’s a sailor jumping into the deep sea without wearing his life jacket and other life saving gears. – Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Jun 19, 2017

Why is there failure of delegation?

Naomi is a manager in a semiconductor company she is always loaded with work thus she always report for work early and goes home late. Due to this her children were already complaining about the time that she gives them.  

Having observed this kind of situation her husband who is a management professor asked her: “Do you harness the function of delegation in your job?” The wife replied, “I used to but I stopped it already because I am not successful with delegation. The husband advised her, “You simply have to delegate properly so that you would be able to be successful with delegation.

There is failure in delegation for the simple reason that the function of delegation is not being properly used. For example, there are careless managers/leaders who delegate without properly informing the person to be delegated about the nitty-gritty of the job. Or they simply delegate after which they are nowhere to be found they would only appear when they need the delegated job already.

Here are important points to consider when we delegate: 1. Inform the person/s to be delegated about the essentials of the job. 2. Inform the person/s about the time frame of the job. 3. Inform the person/s the result that you want from the job. 4. Be informed about the status of the delegated job by checking on it regularly until it’s done.

After considering all of these four points and you still are not satisfied with the result of the delegated job. It’s about time to revisit your organization’s recruitment standards for the simple reason that your organization is not currently recruiting the best and the brightest human resource. – Marino J. Dasmarinas  

Jun 1, 2017

A true and effective leader is a humble leader

Honorio is the president of a small country, he won based on his promise of humble leadership the people of his country was so taken by his that they elected him by a landslide.  

During his first day in office he went to the losing candidate’s house and those who opposed him and offered them the olive branch of peace and reconciliation. He was always very respectful and gentle to his constituents thus he gained their respect and admiration.

After his term was over, he was able to transform his country; the formerly sleepy country was now bustling and full of business activities. His country enjoyed the best peace and order situation during his term for the simple reason that he reached out to those who were marked as trouble makers and was able to convince them to abide and respect the laws of their motherland.

Humility is a virtue that is lacking in many organizational managers and leaders because they see humility as weakness. Many managers and leaders prefer the swaggering type of a manager/leader for the reason that it creates a strong initial impression.

For the reason of the personality that they project, swaggering leaders and managers will have their own share of followers. But generally these kind of leaders/managers are actually abhorred by the silent majority.

Why? For the simple reason that subordinates and people in general do not like managers/leaders who projects an image of swagger and arrogance. They prefer someone who is humble and approachable for the simple reason that to gravitate towards the humble is human nature.           
For example, would you prefer a boss who would raise his voice when he gives orders? Of course not! You would prefer a boss who would give orders with a tone of humility and this we would know if the boss would give orders by gently saying, Could you pls. do this or that?

It pays to be humble in exercising your managerial and leadership functions because you will accomplish more and you will gain the respect, admiration and remembrance of your subordinates. – Marino J. Dasmarinas     

May 30, 2017

The many fruits of positive work attitude

Janice is a newly graduate young woman in her early twenties; thus she was very determined to land a job. Due to her persistence she was able to find a job opportunity in an information technology related organization.

When she was being interviewed by the human resource manager, she was asked: tell me why should I hire you? Janice replied: I always work hard, I have a positive mindset towards my work and for as long as I can do it I would never refuse a work assigned to me. She was eventually hired for the reason of her very satisfactory answer.

She was employed as an accounting clerk and true to her promise she indeed was very hard worker. She did the assigned task to her with utmost competence and she never refused work given to her even if she was loaded already.

Her positive work attitude was eventually noticed by her Manager, thus when there was an opportunity for promotion she was immediately considered and promoted. Two more years had passed by and Janice was already the section head of their department. After five more years she went to become the accounting manager. 

It always pays to have a positive mental attitude towards work no matter what kind of work we are doing in an organization. This is for the reason that when we have a positive work attitude we already make work easier even if it’s hard.  We always create and radiate an environment of positivity in our workplace.

We also attract positive fortune towards us, such as promotion and recognition. Sooner or later a hard worker or a worker with positive attitude will be promoted and be recognized by the organization. The worker who works hard also earns the respect of his subordinates, peers and managers.

Do you have a positive work attitude? – Marino J. Dasmarinas 

May 24, 2017

The Stubborn and Ineffective subordinate

Melanie is a thirty-five year old clerk in a government office with a permanent status. She is stubborn and she does her job with minimum efficiency and her reasons for having these irrational work behavior are the following:
  1. She occupies a low position with a low salary, so why work hard?
  2. She is satisfied with her job title
  3. She usually doesn't want anybody to tell her what to do
  4. For the reason of her permanent status nobody can remove/dismiss/separate her from her job unless she does something foolish
Do you have a subordinate like Melanie? Someone who doesn't immediately follow what is told her and someone who does her job with minimum effectiveness? Truth be told Melanie is a living character in many organizations most especially in government organizations. They are lurking in the organization simply going through the motions of their job.

They have no ambition to move up in the organizational hierarchy, they are already satisfied with their job title and they can even hold on to it until they reach the age of  retirement.

However, why does a character like Melanie exist in an organization? The reason behind is there are many leaders/managers who do not know how to exercise to the fullest their authority and responsibility. 

An effective leader/manager must know how to solve a problem like Melanie for the simple reason that to do so is his/her job. Therefore, how does a leader solve a character like Melanie? 

The following are the steps that he/she must do: 
  1. Schedule as soon as possible a one on one meeting with her
  2. In that same meeting hammer into her mind her duties and responsibilities
  3. Let her know about your authority over her
  4. Let her know about the disciplinary actions that would come upon her if she continues with her stubbornness and inefficiency
  5. Motivate
  6. Lead by example 
If after doing these steps you still have not solved the irrational work behavior of Melanie. It's time to consult your Human Resource Manager for the implementation of appropriate disciplinary action. - Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Apr 7, 2017

Positive reinforcement as a means to achieve organizational vision

A newly hired C.E.O is in quandary on how he would be able to achieve the five years vision of profitability in his new organization.  Considering that his new organization had been losing money for the last three years of its operation. He was asking himself: “How would I achieve this difficult task given to me by the board of directors?”

He therefore studied the current environment of his new organization most specifically the human resource. He found out that the HR has low morale which is understandable considering that the organization had always been losing money for the past three years.

Thinking that a motivated HR could be the main catalyst for the organization’s turnaround he offered the current human resource a generous early retirement package. Seventy percent of the current HR availed of the generous financial package. To replenish the void created by those who retired the CEO instructed the HR manager to recruit young and motivated workforce.

After the strict recruitment program was through the CEO through the HR manager crafted a motivational method called positive reinforcement that would specifically be used for the new crop of human resource. This method of motivation is used to strengthen a good work behavior so that it could repeatedly occur. 

They applied this to all deserving employees by giving them inexpensive but very effective rewards scheme such as: well publicized written citations, tickets that would be used as a permit for free lunch in the canteen and so forth. Those who were average workers took notice of this and they were motivated to work hard as well for the simple reason that they too would want to avail of this motivational incentive.

After five years of using positive reinforcement as a motivational tool the organization was back on its feet again. The financial statements were healthy again and most importantly the entire human resource was working to the best of their abilities.  

What does this tell us being executives or owners of organization? It simply tells us that it pays great dividends to motivate our human resource for the simple reason that they are the most important asset of the organization. 

If you are a leader, manager or someone who handles people in your organization. Think of an inexpensive yet effective motivational technique that you could harness to help your organization achieve its long term vision/s.

Perhaps you could consider positive reinforcement. – Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Mar 9, 2017

Input first before desired output

A company president was evaluating the yearend output of his medical transcription business. He found out that the outputs of his medical transcriptionists were not meeting the required quality standards. So he organized an online forum amongst his employees to thresh out the issues and problems that was bugging them.    

In the forum the medical transcriptionists were complaining about the poor technological and technical support of the organization. Such as online training to upgrade the skills of the transcriptionists, also mentioned was the need for swift technical support.

Many organizational leaders and managers’ today desire quality and sizable output, nothing is wrong with this. But you also have to ask yourself this question: Am I providing my employees their desired inputs?

 Inputs could come in many ways primordial amongst these are: reasonable salary next is good working condition, efficient technological and technical support, effective but not expensive motivational techniques that will help increase their motivation and productivity.

Appropriate human behavior in organization is always contingent upon the inputs or support that we give our human resource. If the inputs that we give them are less desirable we should never expect quality and sizeable output from our human resource.

However, the moment we give our human resource the needed inputs for them to productively behave in the organization. We now have the moral high ground to demand and expect desirable output from them; which they must comply.

Otherwise there should be parting of ways between human resource and the organization. -  Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Jan 24, 2017

The fallacy of superiority mindset

Have you encountered a person with a mindset of superiority? She/he is a person who thinks that he is above everyone else. When you talk to him he would always try to impress upon you that what he is saying is always right. That he knows more that what you know and that he is far more superior than you.

In an organizational setting many managers and leaders have this mindset of superiority. They deluge themselves that they are far more superior than their subordinates because they occupy a higher position than they are. Managers and leaders often times think that because of the position and authority that they hold they are automatically above everyone else in his organization.

Can authority, power and position automatically give a manager/leader sweeping superiority over everyone else in an organization? No, it doesn’t give a manager/leader sweeping superiority over everyone else in the organization.

For example in terms of job knowledge. A lower ranked employee who does his job everyday or who is a specialist in his field can easily have superiority over his manager/leader. Therefore it is not healthy for a manager/leader to have a sweeping superiority mindset over his subordinates.

However, where does this feeling and behavior of superiority comes from?  It emanates from the leader/manager’s exaggerated sense of self-importance and arrogance. It originates also from the leader/manager’s lack of humility and it’s his behavioral defense mechanism to conceal his feeling of inferiority.      

A wisdom filled manager/leader should discard whatever trace of superiority in his behavioral system. And he should never put himself in a pedestal for the simple reason that it will never help him effectively manage his office.

In hindsight, it has been proven again and again that great and wisdom filled leaders/managers are those who are humble and those who do not have any sign of superiority mindset. – Marino J. Dasmarinas