Nov 7, 2017

How to become an effective leader/manager

An Army lieutenant was leading his platoon of soldiers in an operation when they were suddenly ambushed by the enemy. Everyone took cover and firing at the enemy at the same time. They suddenly saw a wounded comrade who was about ten meters away from them shouting for help.

The lieutenant suddenly shouted at his soldiers and said: “Cover fire me and throw smoke grenades because I will go and rescue our comrade.” So they did and the lieutenant stealthy maneuvered his way to the wounded soldier.  Upon reaching his soldier the lieutenant assisted his wounded comrade and they both successfully extricated themselves from the claws of danger.

By the courageous leadership by example of the army lieutenant and with the support of his soldiers. He successfully executed the very dangerous rescue. This army lieutenant is an epitome of a true leader because he shows and leads the way.

In essence organizational leaders are no different from military leaders. What only separates military leaders from organizational leaders are the rigid training and the firearms at their disposal.  Therefore, to become a successful organizational leader/manager one has to show and lead the way and he must know his job very well.

An organizational leader/manager should not only give orders and then do nothing she should be at the forefront so to speak. For example, if the volume of work is enormous that it would need overtime work.  The leader/manager should also render overtime work and lead his subordinates in accomplishing what is to be accomplished.

If the leader/manager always shows and leads the way, he would also quickly earn the respect and admiration of his subordinates. The same subordinates would always be at his beck and call whenever he needs them. Why is this so? For the simple reason that the leader/manager has already earned the respect of his subordinates. 

What if the leader/manager will not lead and show the way? He simply sits down while giving orders and doesn’t take his leadership/managerial position with responsibility. His subordinates will surely not respect him and they will be like headless chickens running around without discipline and purpose. – Marino J. Dasmarinas    

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