Nov 22, 2017

Dictatorial leaders/managers are not good leaders/managers

Have you worked for a dictatorial leader/manager?

He is the type who would use fear and deceit as his main weapons to make his subordinates follow him. For example, during meetings he would outline the targets that he wants to achieve or the discipline that he wants for his organization. Then he would follow it up with a caveat that those who would not be able to meet their target or follow his discipline would be severely sanctioned.

These kind of bombastic statement would immediately achieve its intended purpose and that is to create fear. But after a few days this feeling of fear would immediately be replaced by a feeling of subtle defiance and resentment towards the leader/manager.

Run of the mill leaders/managers always use this kind strategy to achieve their goals only to be confronted at the end that it does not work. Why is it that it doesn’t work? This is for the reason that when we use fear as our means to achieve our goal/s. It is always subject to abuse and corruption that immediately leads to inefficiency and disruption of the efficient function of the organization. 

However, these type of leader/manager are slowly but surely exposed by their own arrogance and abuse of power. Which sooner or later are seen and observed by subordinates. And these subordinates will not be silenced forever there will come a time that they will voice out their opposition. Which would eventually lead to the removal of their dictatorial leader/manager. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

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