Dec 13, 2018

On arguments in the workplace

Donald, Nancy and Chuck are line managers in an organization. Their departments function are connected with each other. Therefore, every now and then they would exchange their views and these exchanges of views sometimes turns into arguments.

One morning, there was a meeting among line managers of their organization. After the meeting the trio of Donald, Nancy and Charles were at it again exchanging their views while walking in the hallway. The exchange of view became heated and it morphed into arguments.

No one among the three would give in, they wanted their views and ideas to be heard first. So, they were cutting each other’s voice because nobody wants to be upstaged. Before they knew it, they were already being watched by their subordinates, colleagues and superiors. Their disagreement and lack of decorum were in full view.

Arguments and exchange of views are part and parcel of organizational life. This is for the reason that it is in these exchanges of views and arguments that problems are threshed out and misunderstanding ironed out. However, there must be civility and respect during these arguments, there must be no cutting of each other’s voice.

There must be no shouting but only calm and civil exposition of ideas. We must let the person who is taking be heard first before we talk for it’s a sign of respect, decorum and education. There must always be an observance of respect and decorum during exchange of ideas and arguments.

For how can we command respect if we don’t know how to observe respect? – Marino J. Dasmarinas      

Dec 6, 2018

The magic of apology

Emmanuel is a Chief Executive Officer in a multinational corporation. While he was presiding a meeting, he offended a subordinate by berating her in-front of her peers. Having realized his arrogance Sean immediately apologized to her. 

Have you been in a situation where you offended a subordinate or an officemate? What did you do? Did you simply ignore your arrogance? You are the boss anyway! Or you immediately apologized because you’ve realized your mistake.

Many of us may not know this but offensive words hurt more than a knife being thrust into one’s body. That’s how demotivating and morale downing arrogant and offensive words are. However, there is a saving grace whenever we display our arrogance and offensive behavior. And this saving grace is to apologize.

But not everyone is willing to apologize because many of us have a selective method of apologizing. We usually immediately apologize to our superior but not to our subordinates many of us would say, “My subordinates are my underlings, why should I apologize to them?”

When we are not willing to apologize, we open ourselves to retaliation. Retaliation that will come to us when we least expect it. Retaliation that will certainly diminish our standing in our organization. Therefore, we have to humble ourselves whenever we offend anyone in our organization. And this we can do best when we apologize regardless of the status of the person we have offended.

Believe it or not the magic of apology is real, it heals strained organizational relationship and it renews broken friendship. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Nov 26, 2018

On flip-flopping decisions

In a faraway place lived a leader who often flip-flops on his decisions. He would make decisions but after a few days he would take it back and would say that he did not make that decision even if the documents say otherwise.  Flip-flopping would always be in the menu of his exercise of leadership. For the reason of his flip-flopping this leader was slowly but surely losing his credibility among his subordinates.

Do you sometimes make decisions and regret doing so afterwards? You suddenly had a second thought and wished that you did not make that decision? This is a clear example of flip-flop decision making which if not corrected would surely hasten the fall of a leader/manager. Leaders/managers are supposed to be good decision makers they make their decision/s based on facts.

A leader/manager who flip-flops is someone who doesn’t carefully think of his decisions. He makes decision based on the spur of the moment. He immediately decides without carefully processing in his mind the implications of his decisions. Therefore, when he is questioned by his superiors or by his subordinates why he made that decision. He cannot stand on that decision for the simple reason that it’s a baseless decision.

The question now is, can flip-flopping be avoided? Of course, it can always be avoided. How? By means of not making spur of the moment decisions or impulsive decisions. Unless it’s a life and death situation an excellent and brilliant leader manager must not make spur of the moment or impulsive decisions. Why? Because these decisions are sure to be regretted afterwards or after a few days. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Nov 16, 2018

Do not limit your motivational instrument with reward and punishment

Do you still use the traditional method of motivation called reward and punishment? Reward and punishment or the carrot and stick method of motivation goes this way: Rewards are given to an employee to sustain a positive behavior. For example: promotion, monetary incentive, recognition and the like.  The punishment is administered to force an employee to correct an errant behavior or to push an employee to correct an errant behavior. This has been the traditional motivation approach.

Is this kind of motivation technique still effective in this modern time and with millennial human resource around? Not anymore, the human resource one hundred to fifty years ago is very much different from the human resource today. The human resource then, did not have the luxury of technological modernity. So different from the present-day human resource where they can navigate the world anytime using their smart phones.

Therefore, there should be additional upgrades when motivating the millennial human resource today. The number one upgrade is to insert social relevance to the work that they are doing. For example, a call center agent should not only be told to sell products or solicit clients.

They must be informed of the relevance of what they are doing in relation to his family and his personal wellbeing. If the organization could inject this idea in the mindset of its human resource. It would serve as a point of motivation for them not only to work hard but to put more value into their assigned work.

The organization could also make the work environment homey and environmental friendly.  This could be done by creating a relaxed and plant friendly atmosphere. If the organization would innovate this way, this would certainly serve as a new motivational tool for its human resource. Who would not be motivated to work in this kind of atmosphere?   

The organization should also encourage participation of its human resource in decision making most especially in their work area. Gone are the days wherein management would always force its ideas on their workers. And the workers would have no other choice but to simply accept the decisions of management whether they like it or not.  

As technology evolves and upgrades motivational approaches of organizations toward its modern-day human resource must also evolve and upgrade. Otherwise they would be left behind and be extinct eventually. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Nov 10, 2018

About predictable behaviors

There is a story of a manager who was always late going to work hence his subordinates would also be late always. He was also at all times very lenient to a fault to his subordinates. These predictable behaviors resulted in his demotion. Why? For the simple reason that it bred complacency and lack of discipline among his subordinates.

There is another story of a manager who was always early at work, he would always be there twenty minutes before the official office time. He is also strict when at work but friendly and just wants to be treated as of the boys when not at work. His subordinates took notice of his behavior. Thus, they saw to it that they would always be early when reporting for work. They also observe discipline when at work.

Predictable behavior can always work for a manager/leader when that predictable behavior is positive. On the other side a predictable behavior can also work against a manager/leader if the predictable behavior is negative, as exemplified in our first story.  

A good manager/leader should always sustain a positive predictable behavior. Because a positive predictable behavior is obviously good for a person’s image. It will also help him move upward in the organizational hierarchy.   Positive predictable behavior always works as an invisible advance party for the person who has it. It makes his organizational life easier it also breeds respect among peers and subordinates.

What if a manager/leader has a negative predictable behavior? Of course, it’s no brainer that this kind of /manager/leader should reform and earnestly ditch his negative predictable behavior. Otherwise, he will be up for reprimand, demotion even separation. – Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Nov 2, 2018

Can overexposure increase your leadership and managerial value?

Do you want to increase your value as a leader/manager? Many supposed to be leader/manager thinks that they could increase their value by exposure. Even those exposure wherein their presence is not needed they want to be there. So, they overexpose themselves; as a result of their overexposure they devalue their leadership position.

A good and effective leader/manager should not be hungry for exposure and attention. This is for the reason that hunger for exposure and attention is not the way to increase your leadership and managerial stock.  When you are always present you appear common and familiar. The luster of your leadership and managerial position is eroded.

Therefore, what should you do? Don’t overspread, overexpose and over circulate yourself. Carefully choose the events/spots where you would appear. You have to remember that leadership effectiveness is not achieved through over exposure and appearance.

Truth be told, increase in leadership/managerial value is achieved through studios planning. Effective delegation of responsibilities and making your people accountable for the delegated responsibilities. 

You increase your value as a leader by achieving your organizational goals, targets and objectives. Not by over circulating and over exposing yourself in your organization. Come to think of it, what is the use of being always present in the functions of your organization if your office is in disarray? – Marino J. Dasmarinas  

Oct 24, 2018

How to handle enemies in your workplace

Do you have enemies in your workplace? Some of us may have enemies, not that we create enemies for ourselves. But there really are people who behave like they are the boss even if they are not the boss. Many of them have boorish behavior that they bring into the workplace.

So, how would we handle them? The first that we have to do is to simply ignore them. When we ignore them, we let them drown in their own arrogance and foolishness. This kind of behavior when ignored normally dies a natural death.  

However, there are those who are so arrogant that they would persist to annoy us even if we’ve been ignoring them. They would try to bait us to stoop to their level. What then should we do? Should we as well stoop to their sewer level behavior? Of course not! We have to take the higher plane by not stooping to their level.

Would this mean that we will simply let them annoy us and we do nothing to extinguish their errant behavior? Absolutely not! Everything has its own limit or tipping point. Sooner or later there would come a time that we have to face them so that their errant behavior could be addressed permanently.

And when we do so we have to be firm, we should not back down and we have to stand our ground no matter the odds against us. There are trouble makers in the workplace for the simple reason that we allow them to create trouble. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Oct 15, 2018

On positive reputation and effective leadership

Joe is a department head in a big manufacturing company, he has been employed in that organization for ten years. He stared as an ordinary clerk and he rose from the ranks through his hard work. Along those years he built a reputation of competence, hard work and leadership by example.   Therefore, wherever department he was assigned he always gets the job done.

Is there a link between positive reputation and effective leadership? Yes, there is an important link that exist between positive reputation and effective leadership. For example, a manager who has a positive reputation of competence, hard work and leadership by example would always be an effective leader.

Why? This is for the reason that positive reputation can be likened to an advance party, it always precedes the manager/leader. Positive reputation warns the lazybones to shape up or he/she might be shipped out of the organization.

A manager’s positive reputation has a ripple effect that pervades the entire organization. Consequently, through unassailable positive reputation the manager/leader would be able to transform her/his organization.

Hence, a person who wants to ascend in the organizational hierarchy should always have a positive reputation.  For the simple reason that this is her/his passport to become an effective leader/manager. It must be like a shadow that follows him/her wherever she/he goes. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Oct 4, 2018

On being talkative in the workplace

Ferdie is a talkative department manager, he talks and shares with his subordinates anything that he wants to share. Even topics of no importance he shares. What he doesn’t know is his subordinates are not interested to hear about what he shares because it distracts their work focus.  

Many managers and even ordinary workers are talkative in the workplace. They share topics that are not anymore meant to be shared and topics of no importance. For example, family matters; should it be shared in the workplace environment? Of course not!

What is to be shared or talked about in the workplace are work related topics no more no less. This simply means that there should be less talk but more work in the workplace. Many of us are talkative in the workplace. For the simple reason that we want to impress our subordinates and colleagues about what we know but it ends with the talk. We don't actually do what we say we would do, we don't put action into our words; talk is cheap.

We also want to project power, knowledge and influence by being talkative. However, the more we talk the more we expose ourselves even our hidden ignorance and incompetence we expose by being talkative.

We have to remember that the less we talk the less we commit mistakes and the less we talk the more powerful, admirable and mysterious we appear.

Are you talkative in your workplace? – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Sep 28, 2018

Do you want to be admired and respected by your subordinates and colleagues?

Brent occupies a top-level executive position in a private organization, he badly wants to be admired and respected by his subordinates and colleagues. Therefore, he thought of earnings their respect by projecting himself as somebody who knows everything or anything under the sun. Thus, whenever there are meetings he sees to it that he is assertive and talkative.

However, he was already wondering why was it that after almost one year of projecting this kind of behavior. He was still not earning their respect and admiration? Why was it that Brent was still not earning their respect and admiration? The simple answer is Brent was doing it the wrong way.

Many leaders and managers are like Brent: They hunger for respect and admiration. Unfortunately, they don’t know how to properly do it, being assertive and projecting a self-image that you know it all is not the way. You are in fact depreciating your value as a leader/manager when you do it this way.    

So, what is the correct way of doing it? The correct way or the right way to earn the respect and admiration of your subordinates and colleagues is through your action. Let your action speak louder than your words and let your actions make the noise.

Noise that is not heard by your subordinates and colleagues’ ears but noise that is seen by their eyes. Always make your action/s speak for you not you speaking without action. In doing so you rightfully earn the respect and admiration of your subordinates and colleagues.  – Marino J. Dasmarinas   

Sep 21, 2018

How do you handle an effective but problematic employee?

Can there be a situation wherein an employee is effective yet problematic at the same time? Yes, there could be! For example, an employee who is intelligent, communicates well and does his assigned job competently. However, the problem is he comes to work late and it’s somewhat a force of habit for him already. Thus, it affects the timely completion of his assigned work.

How would you handle him to correct his behavioral problem? Should you immediately warn him about his tardiness and completely disregard his effectiveness at work? Or mention first his work effectiveness and after that bring out his frequent tardiness and offer help to correct it.

The best choice is the latter: Mention first his work effectiveness and then bring out his force of habit tardiness and how you can help him cure it. This you do in private: you and the concerned employee alone.

By mentioning first his effectiveness at work and then by offering him help to solve his problem of tardiness or any work-related problem for that matter. You are actually telling him that he is doing a good job, hence; you are actually motivating him. And you are deepening that motivation drive by offering him help solve his work-related problem, in this case his tardiness.

When you have a problematic employee don’t immediately single out the problem that bedevils him. Look first to his work performance because you might find out something that is encouraging or positive. After which you address the behavioral problem that disturbs him by offering him help on how to solve it. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Sep 12, 2018

When a leader is a leader in name only

Bill is the Chief Executive Office of a multinational corporation as such he has enormous responsibilities on his shoulders. So, what he would often do to lighten his responsibilities is to delegate to his underlings many of his functions without him carefully assessing the function/s that he delegated. 

After a year of operation, the board of directors noted that the company was not financially healthy. There was low morale among the workers because they were not receiving their salaries on time and working conditions was very poor. Soon after, there was rebellion within his subordinates and they called for the CEO’s firing. To save the organization the CEO was immediately fired of the BOD. 

To get to the bottom of the CEO’s dismal performance the board of directors hired independent auditors to audit the performance of the CEO. They found out that the CEO was fond of delegating his functions without having a first-hand knowledge about the function to be delegated.

For example, in the marketing department he simply told his middle managers to market their products without providing them the needed leadership on how to undertake it. He did the same thing in the production department.

The CEO being the leader must always lead the way for his organization and the people working for it. What does lead the way means? It means that he should not just delegate with reckless abandon. When he delegates he must know the work and function to be delegated.

This doesn’t mean that he would micromanage his organization because this is counterproductive. What this means is he has a clear grasp of the delegated functions and every function under his organization for that matter.   

A leader becomes a true leader when he knows what he is doing and when he leads by example. Otherwise, he becomes a leader in name only, a leader which is incompetent, averse to responsibility and can easily be deposed by his subordinates. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Sep 6, 2018

To apologize or not to apologize?

A story is told about Rudolf who is a manager in an Information Technology Co. Rudolf is a brash and arrogant manager/leader. He does not hesitate to admonish his subordinates whenever he wants to do so.

There was one office meeting wherein he arrogantly told his newly promoted supervisor: I am not recognizing your promotion because you did not pass through the proper selection process. But the newly promoted supervisor told him: I respectfully disagree with you sir for the reason that I went through the process and I also complied all the necessary requirements to enable my promotion.  Eventually, it was proven that the newly promoted supervisor had complied with everything that was required for him to be promoted.

Now, the question that needs to be answered is, should the manager apologize for mistake and arrogance? Many managers/leaders would not apologize because they may think that it could weaken their authority and position of leadership.  Instead, they would simply let that episode pass by and be forgotten.

However, is not to apologize right? Of course not! A good and ethical leader should apologize most especially mistakes brought about by arrogance and power tripping. This is for the reason that when a leader apologizes it enhance not only his position of leadership but also his reputation and credibility as a leader.

To apologize is never a show of weakness it’s actually a show of a leader’s humility, strength of character and wisdom. But, for a myopic leader/manager to apologize is never part of his/her vocabulary. Why? For the simple reason that he/she continuously allow his mind to be enveloped by arrogance. 

Therefore, a good leader/manager must throw away or discard any form of arrogance in his/her exercise of managerial and leadership function. He/she should instead let in humility for it will certainly enhance his/her reputation and value as a good, compassionate and effective leader. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Aug 22, 2018

Don’t surround yourself with yes-men and women

Polly is a newly promoted Chief Executive Officer being at the top of his organization he has every power that he could dream of. He therefore surrounded himself with people that earns his trust and confidence. The problem is, these people whom he surrounded himself with were all yes-men and women.

They would always feed him with positive information even if what is going on the ground was negative. For example, there was already rumblings amongst the rank and file because of the poor working condition that they had. Yet the people whom he surrounded himself with did nothing to tell him about this. When he asked them regarding this issue they simply told him that there’s nothing to worry for it’s not true.

A good manager/leader should not surround himself/herself with yes-men and women. The leader/manager must see to it that none of these characters are present in her/his inner circle. She/he should dare surround herself/himself with people who would tell her/him what is really going on the ground and not conceal or sugarcoat it.

A good and wisdom filled manager/leader should surround herself/himself with people who would dare push back and challenge his/her mindset whenever there is a need for it. Otherwise, if a manager/leader would only surround himself with yes-men and women it would certainly severely compromise her/his decision-making ability. – Marino J. Dasmarinas 

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Aug 12, 2018

The importance of giving immediate feedback

Janet is a manager in a marketing company with ten workers under her care and supervision. Every manager in their organization looks up to her because she is always able to surpass her sales target.

She was asked by her CEO this question during a testimonial given to her and her subordinates:  “How come you are always able to surpass your sales target/s?” Her immediate reply was this: “I immediately give my subordinates’ feedback about their sales performance be it positive or negative feedback.”

Giving immediate feedback to your subordinates is a very important tool for them to achieve, even exceed their targets. For example, if a worker exceeds her/his target or performing exceptionally well in her/his assigned task. An immediate feedback should immediately be given to them.

This could be in a form of praise or any form of recognition to highlight the exceptional performance. Why give an immediate feedback? This is to reinforce the positive work behavior so that could be sustained. 

The same should apply when giving feedback to the laggards, their attention should immediately be called as well. So that they are made aware that they need to immediately do something to improve their work performance.  Otherwise, sanctions allowed under the rules of the organization would be forthcoming to them.

While positive feedback should be given in full view to further inspire and motivate. Negative feedback should be given in private this is to avoid embarrassment, humiliation and further demotivation. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Aug 4, 2018

Is your boss overloading you with work?

Alex is a first level manager in a manufacturing organization, every now and then his boss would assign him work that is not in his job description. He simply accepts it and does not give much attention to it until he is through with his work that falls in his job description.

One afternoon, his boss went to him to ask about the additional work that he gave him. Alex told his boss that he has not touched it yet since he is already overloaded with work that is directly assigned to him.

What should you do when your boss is overloading you with work that is not in your job description? Should you immediately refuse it? Or accept it with the thought in mind that you would do it after you are through doing your officially assigned task?

When you are being overloaded with work it doesn’t mean that your being bullied by your boss. It simply means that your boss sees you as somebody who is competent and well rounded. Otherwise, he would not assign you additional workload if you cannot do the job well.

Every additional work that is given to you even if that work is not directly within your job description is a testament of your intelligence and competence. Else, you would not be given additional work if you cannot do the job and if your boss does not believe in you.

However, there are also bosses who are abusive, lazy and incompetent they love to delegate workloads even if they are designated to do it. If this is the scenario you have to gently remind your boss about it otherwise he would continue to dump you with more workloads.

What if after sounding off your boss that you are already overloaded yet he/she continuously dumps you with more work? It’s about time to say goodbye to your boss and transfer to a new department. If this is not possible and you are confident of your competence you can start to look for another Job.

Otherwise your health and your family’s wellbeing would suffer for the reason that you are overloaded with work. – Marino J. Dasmarinas     

Aug 2, 2018

On designating an Officer-in-charge

Nancy is the division chief/manager/leader of a government office every now and then she attends live-in seminars that last for three to five days. In lieu of her absence she would designate an officer-in-charge to temporarily lead, manage and run the daily activities of her division. 

Should there be rules or guidelines to follow when designating an officer-in-charge? Of course, there should be so that the office would function properly otherwise there would be disorder or disorganization.

Here are four guidelines to follow when designating an officer-in-charge.

1.      Designate someone who is competent
2.      Someone who you can trust
3.      Someone who is humble
4.      Someone who is not abusive and arrogant

After selecting that someone based on the guidelines, clearly define the scope and limits of his/her authority. This is done to avoid abuse of authority and a problematic situation in the office.

Why is there a need to follow these guidelines? For the simple reason that following these guidelines would assure the smooth flow of the operation of the division/organization. Thus, when the division chief/manager/leader returns he/she will have less issues and problems to take care of.

How do you designate an officer-in-charge in your office? – Marino J. Dasmarinas   

Jul 16, 2018

Do you want to become an inspiring leader?

Who is an inspiring leader? He is a leader that is loved and not feared by his followers. Many leaders lead by fear foremost of these are autocratic or dictatorial leaders. These kinds of leaders lead and govern thru fear they do this by projecting themselves as strong leaders.

They create an extraordinarily strong personality and identity which plant fear in the hearts of his subordinates. These kinds of leaders don’t know how to inspire their  followers for the simple reason that their authority emanates from the feeling of fear.

How do you become an inspiring leader? The first requirement to become an inspiring leader is to eliminate fear in your menu of leadership qualities. Why? This is for the reason that when a leader is not feared he becomes more approachable and available to his subordinates. He is always there to lend a hand whenever his subordinates need him. 

When a leader/manager is approachable and always available he creates a climate of confidence and calm among his subordinates. This simply means that there’s no dividing wall that separates the leader from his subordinates.

Thus, his subordinates will always be inspired to work because their leader is always there to support them. In whatever way possible subject to the limits of the organization's rules and regulation. 

Another important quality of an inspiring leader is he always model his leadership to the hilt. This simply means that he walks his talk and he leads by example, he does this with utmost humility and sincerity. And last but certainly not the least, an inspiring leader is someone who knows his job well.  

Are you an inspiring leader? – Marino J. Dasmarinas

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I teach Human Behavior in Organization topics via Skype for thirty (30) minutes free!

Jul 3, 2018

A good Leader/Manager is also a good follower

There is a story about Mario a newly hired clerk in advertising company. One of the many qualities that were very evident about Mario was his competence, obedience and follower mindset. With these positive attributes Mario rose from the ranks and eventually became a manager and a leading voice in their organization.

Many organizational managers/leaders rose from the ranks as such they are used at following orders. They don’t only follow they also do with competence whatever task that they are assigned to do.

It may seem unthinkable for many but the reality is managers/leaders are also followers not only in the sense that they rose from the ranks. The truth of the matter is every leader has also that somebody who leads him/her. Who would tell him/her what to do and who would demand output as well.

Let us take for example a first level manager or supervisor who leads his operating employees. He/she is also accountable to his middle manager. As such he follows directives from his middle manager.

The middle manager takes order from the top management and he sees to it that he implements with competence the task assigned by the top management. The top management is accountable to whom? He’s accountable to the board of directors and he implements also the collegial decisions of the board.

We see that every leader in an organization takes direct or indirect orders from persons who occupy a higher position than her/him. What is the relevance of a leader follower relationship?

A good follower sooner or later will eventually become a manager/leader. It may take time but it will surely come. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Jun 14, 2018

On disciplining your subordinates

Margaret is a newly hired manager in a call center company. Being younger than his subordinates he was in a quandary on how he would discipline them whenever they violate the established norms of their organization.

Employed properly, without bias and swiftly a disciplinary action could straighten an errant behavior. Employed with the intention to simply shame a subordinate a disciplinary action  could immediately backfire to the one who is imposing it. 

So how would you go about in disciplining an errant subordinate? The first that you should do is you have to discipline in private with you present and the errant subordinate only. Your action should focus on the offense alone and not the person involve. For example, if the offense is his/her being noisy in the workplace which disturbs the concentration of his/her co-workers.

By all means focus your disciplinary action on his/her being noisy never try to delve into his/her personal character.  For the simple reason that a disciplinary action must always point to the offense and not the person involve in that offense. 

After all has been said, ask the person involve on what solution he/she could suggest to heal the offense. After listening to the suggestion and if you are satisfied treat it as a closed issue and move forward.

If you are not satisfied with the suggestion it is incumbent upon you as a manager/leader to craft or create a useful solution that would solely focus on the offense and not the person. -  Marino J. Dasmarinas