Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Leader/Manager who loves to delegate

Do you often use the function of delegation?

Delegation is a function of management that everyone of us should use on a situational basis.  We delegate when there’s a need to delegate but when there’s no reason to delegate we should not delegate.  

So, when are you going to delegate and when should you not delegate? You only delegate your function/s when there is a pressing need to do that. For instance, there’s a deadline to be meet and you surely can’t do it all you need to delegate in this situation. Otherwise if you will not you won’t be able to achieve your task.

Many managers often abuse the function of delegation. They have the tendency to delegate even the task that they can actually do and are supposed to do. Even if they have the time to do it they still choose to delegate.  Why do they delegate even if they can do it themselves? The answer is very simple: they are lazy!

When a leader/manager is always a patron of delegation it would eventually make him intellectually weak or dull. For the simple reason that it will lessen the efficiency of his brain, lest we forget, inactive brain makes a dull brain.

If he/she has time a leader/manager should avoid delegation he should just do what he is supposed to do. Thus he increases his brain activity and this surely will result  to a dynamic mindset which will benefit nobody but himself and the organization where he/she belongs.

How about the manager/leader who loves to delegate? He/she is not only a lazy manager/leader he/she is also incompetent and does not deserve to be called leader/manager. - Marino J. Dasmarinas  

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