Friday, September 6, 2019

Competent and Effective managers/leaders delegate comprehensively

Do you delegate comprehensively? Delegation is one of the important functions of management. And many leaders and managers utilize delegation to achieve more than what are expected of them.  How are they able to achieve more than what are expected of them? They use the management function of delegation comprehensively.

To be an effective delegator of work we have to communicate the delegated work comprehensively. This means that all the details and all our expectations of the delegated work are communicated clearly. For example, the deadline, the quality of the output that we want, our expectations, just to name a few.

Many managers/leaders fail in the aspect of delegation because they don’t delegate comprehensively. They simply delegate and then they expect their direct report or subordinate to know everything of the delegated work. Or they just wait for their direct report or subordinate to ask them about the details of the delegated work.

Competent and effective managers/leaders don’t wait to be asked about the details of the delegated work. They see to it that all of the details of the delegated work are clearly communicated and already comprehensively attached to it. They think proactively thus they already anticipate the question/s that their direct report or subordinate might ask them.

The function of delegation is a handy and effective management and organizational tool available for all managers and leaders. So that they can multiply their accomplishment, influence and utilization.  They can easily unsheathe it whenever they want provided they delegate comprehensively.    

What does the word comprehensive mean? It means thorough. Therefore, this imply  thorough understanding of the delegated work which the manager/leader can actually do. But because of lack of time and for the reason that he/she wants to multiply his/her accomplishment, influence and utilization he/she is forced to delegate it.

Effective managers and leaders always delegate comprehensively they don’t delegate haphazardly. Why? Because this is what are leadership and management are all about. It’s about comprehensively understanding our leadership and managerial functions, duties and responsibilities which include comprehensive delegation. – Marino J. Dasmarinas    

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Compassion in your organization

Alex is a manager of a home care facility. Every morning it had become his ritual to have scheduled visits to their patients. He talks to them and ask them about how they are feeling. This home care facility is always 100% full and the reason behind is the compassionate care that is administered by the manager and his staff.

To be compassionate is perhaps alien to many business organizations. Because as we all know the bottom-line of business organization is to earn profit. And maybe compassion towards its employees is the least of its priorities.    

What does it mean to have compassion with your employees or to be compassionate with your employees? To be compassionate is to do acts of kindness, caring and be concerned with the well-being of your employees.

To be compassionate is not only to understand your employees’ present emotional state. You also have that strong desire to help them soothe it with the end in mind of helping them cure that present emotional state. For example, if you notice that an employee is forlorn and has a sudden distant behavior. You can say to that employee that you are ready to listen and help in whatever way you can.

When we are compassionate toward our employees we establish connection with them which in turn will motivate them to work hard. Why? Because we cared when they were in that emotional state. We therefore have to establish a compassionate and caring organization not an organization whose only bottom-line is to earn profit.

Our employees are humans with feelings they are not machines they are very sensitive to acts of compassion, kindness and caring. Thus, the more compassionate we are the more that we reinforce their loyalty to our organization. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Monday, August 12, 2019

Positive feedback as opposed to Negative feedback

An organization that was downsizing was in a dilemma as to whom amongst their two managers would they terminate. Both had exceptional performance and both seemed to be loved by their subordinates. The top executives of the organization didn’t know whom they would give the pink slip.

Therefore, they decided to secretly conduct a survey among their employees which manager would they prefer to stay. The workers voted to retain the manager who always gives positive feedback as opposed to the manager who only knows to give negative feedback.

Hearing or receiving feedback is important in an employee’s work life. Why? For the simple reason that feedback also acts as motivator and demotivator for employees. It’s no brainer that positive feedback motivates and negative feedback seldom motivates but often downgrades employees’ motivation. It’s also no brainer that employees always lean toward the side of managers/leaders who give positive feedback more than negative feedback.

Negative feedback silently diminishes the manager/leader power to motivate. While positive feedback loudly increases the manager/leader power to motivate. However, the power of positive feedback is hardly being utilized by managers/leaders. What they utilize more is negative feedback and the reason behind is very simple: Mistakes are easily highlighted than accomplishments.

We are generally quick to spot the negative than the positive, we are prone to be blindsided by the negative than the positive. Therefore, we have to reverse this mindset of bias towards negativity to a mindset of positivity. From now on we have to be quick to notice the positive than the negative. We have to praise more than criticize we have to highlight the positive more than the negative if we want to continuously have motivated employees.  

Why? For the simple reason that your employees would love it very much if they would hear it from their leaders/managers. It also makes giving negative feedback a lot more easier when the need arises. – Marino J. Dasmarinas           

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The silent leader as opposed to the loud leader

Why are the silent types the best leaders? Because they let their achievements make the noise not them making their own empty noise. Many are easily taken by a leader who is loud, loud in the sense that they want their subordinates to know what they are doing.

However, loud leaders are generally empty inside they don’t think deeply. They act without careful thought of the consequence of their actions. They base their actions upon their whims and caprices and the popular demand of the subordinates that they govern.  What is important for them is to feed their bloated egos and to satisfy the popular demand of their subordinates. And when they are already able to feed their egos they now think of the consequence of their egotistical and thoughtless action/s.  

Upon musing of their thoughtless  actions they will come to the realization that what they’ve done was not right. Therefore, embarrassment and swallowing of pride comes next and the loud leader is exposed as incompetent, all noise and fury without any intellectual bite.   
The silent types of leaders are those who think profoundly and they think in advance. They are always head and shoulders above the rest. They get the job done albeit silently they don’t make noise to advertise their achievements they rather let their achievements and accomplishments make the noise for them. 

Silent leaders are also the humble ones, this don’t mean that they think less of themselves they rather purposely don’t highlight themselves. They don’t want the spotlight of leadership solely focused on them they want it focused on the entire organization that they lead.  

Do you have this silent type of leader in your organization? – Maarino J. Dasmarinas

Friday, July 19, 2019

On giving behavioral feedback

How do you give behavioral feedback? For example you noticed that your direct report is noisy at work. How are you going to correct this errant behavior without offending the concerned direct report?  

When we give the behavioral feedback we have to focus on the offensive act and not the person who did the offensive act. But before doing that we have to find an appropriate place where we can civilly talk with the concerned direct report.  The appropriate place could be in your office or a place where there is privacy and solemnity.

Be calm, objective and civil when you talk about the errant behavior so that you avoid antagonizing the person. Some managers do this without considering calmness, objectivity and civility. Hence they lecture the guilty person as if the concerned individual is their slave. So what happens is the concerned will push back and defend herself. This can happen most especially if the direct report has a strong personality.   

After talking about the errant behavior allow the person to speak and voice her sentiment and as she speaks listen with your attention poured into her. Your expectation here is she would talk also with calmness, civility and objectivity. Why? For the simple reason that this is how you approached the concerned person. We have to remember that we get what we give: If we give respect we would also get respect and vice versa.

Close the one on one conversation on a positive note by telling the person that she has your back anytime. Ever ready to listen whenever she has issues about work or even issues about his/her family. -  Marino J. Dasmarinas 

Friday, July 5, 2019

Connection and consistency of positive actions are the secrets to effective leadership

How are you as a leader? An effective leader is someone who is able to connect his leadership with the people that he leads. But how can a leader connect with the people that he leads? Among many other things a leader connects to his people by creating actions that has impact to his subordinates and his leadership.

For example, a leader/manager who is newly assigned to his department noticed that his office is cluttered with unnecessary things. So the first thing that he did upon assumption of his position is to rid his office with the unnecessary things. Thus, he made his office clean and orderly.

By doing so he subtly connects his leadership to his subordinates. And the message that he connects or conveys is he wants a clean and orderly office. How can the leader/manager successfully connect his message? It’s through the consistency of his actions, in this case the cleaning of his office of unnecessary things should be consistent and not a one shot deal.    

A leader becomes a real leader when there is consistency in his positive actions. And the consistency of his positive actions enables him to connect with his subordinates. It creates a ripple effect that transcends the invisible and visible boundaries of his organization.

Many leaders fail to connect their leadership for the simple reason that there’s no consistency in their actions. They are only good leaders when there are cameras, smart phones and videos in-front of them. However, when there are no cameras, smart-phones and videos they backslide to their real selves which are leaders in name only.

If you occupy a leadership position right now and you are consistent with your positive actions. Even if there are no cameras, smart-phones and videos to document your leadership, you are already made as a leader. – Marino J. Dasmarinas

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

On convincing your subordinate to do volunteer work

Thomson is a supervisor who was being convinced by his manager to do a little volunteer work for their organization.  When he was asked if he could do volunteer work. Thomson, immediately  said: “What kind of volunteer work would it be?” The manager replied, “I learned that you previously worked as a university lecturer, would you be willing to volunteer your time to do short lectures on leadership?” And Thomson immediately said, yes why not!

Convincing your subordinates to do volunteer work is a hard job to do.  But it’s actually doable provided that you offer the volunteer work to someone who would find interest upon it. And one of the measures to use to achieve success in this endeavor is to find out the personal background of your prospect.

If you find something out of his work history that you could somehow link with the volunteer work. Offer him the volunteer work because there is a good chance that he may accept it.  This simply means that when you are prospecting for subordinates that can do volunteer work. Choose first those who can one way or another relate with the volunteer work.

In this dog eat dog world that we are in, subordinates who are willing to do volunteer work are hard to come by. However, if you would do some research about their personal backgrounds that you could somehow link with the volunteer work. 

You would easily find them willing and able to do the volunteer work. Why? Because they can relate with it and it would also enhance their standing in the organization. -  Marino J. Dasmarinas